
会员 ID:19529




  • 姓    名:

  • 国    籍:

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  • 年    龄:

  • 学    历:

  • 工作经验:

  • 工作性质:

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  • 希望工作地点:

  • 希望薪金:

  • 希望从事职业:

  • 到岗时间:

  • 注册时间:

    2017-03-09 11:42
  • 最后登录:

    2017-05-23 18:45
  • 签证种类:

  • 签证到期日期:

  • 联系方式:



ZipPiTeeDoo’s 昕星园 is a project developed by Kerry Kidz, a member of the Kerry Group. The idea came about in 2011, and has since attracted a wide range of enthusiastic people from all over the world who have contributed to the projects development. Our current team is made up of experienced professionals who are young-at-heart and love to play.

At ZipPiTeeDoos 昕星园, we understand children. We understand play is a form of learning and self-discovery. Through play, children are exploring, making friends, discovering their abilities and testing their limits.
Our playground is purposefully designed to address these needs by stimulating the different aspects of a childs growth.

We believe children deserve a safe and fun environment where friendships begin and efforts are celebrated.

We encourage parents and children to make time for play and laughter more than just in between car rides and during tutoring classes. We want to bring back care-free days filled with giggles and escapades, discovering secret paths as we follow our curiosity, making toys and sharing ideas, grabbing a best friends hand and exploring the colorful road ahead.
We are bringing back the important lessons: Share everything. Play fair. Hold hands and stick together. Dont give up. Be nice to others. We give children the opportunity to develop important life skills to have fun, to play together, and to build character.

If a child is like a little seed, play is like the water, the sunshine and the rich earth that nourishes them into a fully-grown tree and a well-rounded person. Play is not a waste of time. Its more than fun. Play has a purpose, nourishing the potential inside all of us. Come play with us at ZipPiTeeDoo's XinXingYuan!